DevOps validation for Cloud Integration worksflows

DevOps validation for Cloud Integration worksflows

There are SAP Customers that want to perform a validation of their iflows before they enable to transport the content so they can perform external validation like CPILint or run unit test. 
In Figaf we do copy all iflows to a git repository. It would then be interesting to be able to run some pipeline to perform validation of the setup. We have added into 2306 release. 
On the agent select the Integrate with Git Pipelines. 

Then Figaf will check for a file called pipeline-validation.txt. If there is a Text with Exit code: 1 then it will be showed as an error in Figaf when either performin a transport or checking status.

Here is an example on how it can be used in Github Actions. It does require a bit of work to get it working and you should be making your own attemt to get it working. 

How to get this working. It is a bit more complicated. It will require you know some gradle and git work to get it working. 
1) You neeed to add the to the git repository
2) In the .github/workflows you need to add the files. They are in the included Zip file of the page, see buttom of page. 

3) You chould modify the cpilint xml to your needs for governance. 
4) Check the figaf-validation.yml and make the nessary validations. 
5) Under Settings->Actions ->General make sure you select workflow permissions to Read and Write

This key is needed because Git need to have access to run and commit the changes back into the repository.
Notice there can be some difference if you run in your own repository vs in an orgainsations repoistory.

Here is the pipelinefile that you should add. If you use other platform use this as inspiration they will probaly have a little different setup. 
And you should trigger it to perform the steps that you need for it. 
  1. name: Figaf Pipeline

    - '**'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout repository
    uses: actions/checkout@v2
    fetch-depth: 0
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

    - name: Set up Java 11
    uses: actions/setup-java@v2
    distribution: 'adopt'
    java-version: '11'

    - name: Download and extract CPI Lint
    run: |
    curl -L -o
    unzip -o
    chmod +x cpilint-1.0.4/bin/cpilint

    - name: Setup Gradle
    uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2
    gradle-version: 7.4

    - name: Get changed IFlow directories
    run: |
    changedIflowDirs=$(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d HEAD^ | grep -E '.*/IntegrationFlow/[^/]+' | awk -F/ '{print $1"/"$2"/"$3}' | sort | uniq)
    echo "Changed IFlow Directories: $changedIflowDirs"

    EOF=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=15 count=1 status=none | base64)
    echo "changedIflowDirs<<$EOF" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
    echo "${changedIflowDirs}" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}
    echo "$EOF" >> ${GITHUB_ENV}

    - name: CPI Lint validation
    run: |
    if [ -z "${{ env.changedIflowDirs }}" ]; then
    echo "No IFlow changes detected, skipping CPI Lint validation"
    exit 0

    readarray -t changedIflowDirs <<< "${{ env.changedIflowDirs }}"

    for integrationFlowDir in "${changedIflowDirs[@]}"
    echo "integrationFlowDir: $integrationFlowDir"
    iflowName="$(basename "$integrationFlowDir")"
    packageName="$(basename "$(dirname "$(dirname "$integrationFlowDir")")")"
    (cd "$integrationFlowDir" && zip -r "../$" .)

    cpilintCommand="${{ github.workspace }}/cpilint-1.0.4/bin/cpilint -rules=${{ github.workspace }}/.github/workflows/cpilint.xml -files=\"../$\""
    echo "Executing cpilint: $cpilintCommand"
    output=$(cd "$integrationFlowDir" && eval $cpilintCommand 2>&1) || cpilintStatus=$?

    if [ -z "$cpilintStatus" ]; then

    echo "CPI Lint output: $output"
    echo "CPI Lint exit code: $cpilintStatus"

    echo "Validation name: CPI Lint" > "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"
    echo "Execution time: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" >> "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"
    echo "Exit code: $cpilintStatus" >> "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"
    echo -e "Output: $output\n" >> "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"

    rm -f "$"

    - name: Run unit tests
    run: |
    if [ -z "${{ env.changedIflowDirs }}" ]; then
    echo "No IFlow changes detected, skipping Unit tests validation"
    exit 0

    readarray -t changedIflowDirs <<< "${{ env.changedIflowDirs }}"

    for integrationFlowDir in "${changedIflowDirs[@]}"
    iflowName="$(basename "$integrationFlowDir")"
    packageName="$(basename "$(dirname "$(dirname "$integrationFlowDir")")")"
    runTestsCommand="gradle :$packageName:iflow-$iflowName:test"
    echo "Executing runTestsCommand: $runTestsCommand"
    output=$(eval $runTestsCommand 2>&1) || runTestsStatus=$?
    if [ -z "$runTestsStatus" ]; then
    echo "Unit tests output: $output"
    echo "Unit tests exit code: $runTestsStatus"

    echo "Validation name: Unit tests" >> "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"
    echo "Execution time: $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" >> "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"
    echo "Exit code: $runTestsStatus" >> "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"
    echo -e "Output: $output\n" >> "$integrationFlowDir/pipeline-validation.txt"

    - name: Commit and push changes
    run: |
    if [[ $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then
    git config --local ""
    git config --local "Figaf"
    git add .
    git commit -m "Update pipeline-validation.txt"
    git push
    echo "No changes to commit"

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