Transport of scheduled start with external parmeters

Transport of scheduled start with external parmeters

If you have an iflow that starts with a scheduled start in your iflow, how can modify this as you transport it.
Once you are on the scheduled start you can select Externalice and then create a variable for how the flow should be configured.

The iflow with externalized schedule looks like this

You may be able to externalize the parameter from  fireNow=true to what ever you would need as scehdule. 
The easist way it change the configuration in the iflow and then syncronize it to Figaf. Then you can see the changes on compare versions of the iflow Configuraiton in Figaf. You can then copy this parameter value. You will need it in the transport. 

So when you create the transport to the landscape where it makes sense you will copy the input to as the targe parameter. 

Once the iflow is imported you can then see the resulting iflow where the schedule has been defined. 

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