1. Open the download page http://figaf.com/trial/download-page/ and scroll to the download section. Download the file.
2. Move the jar file into a folder.
3. Copy the bat script from the download page
4. Paste the code into notepad or better yet and editor like notepad++. Make sure that the jar name matches what you have in your system.
5. save as "run.bat" in the folder where you have the bat file. In notepad you may need to change type to *.*
6. Click on run.bat to run the application.
7. If the program does not run you because java is missing. You may need to edit the bat file and add the path to a java. If you don't have an java installed we recommend using https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/?version=8
8. You may need to allow Java run time access.
9. Once the app is started, you will start Figaf shortly.
10. Go to http://localhost:8089 and you will see the login screen
11. Login with user: superUser password: default
12. For local installation, you can just close the password box. If you install on a shared system please use a new password that you save in your password database. It is pretty challenging to reset the password.
13. You are now in the tool and you can start using the application. Go to license and insert the license key you have.
14. To close the application. Goto the terminal window and press CTRL-C to shutdown