Migrate SAP PI to Cloud Integration

Migrate SAP PI to Cloud Integration

How to migrate from SAP PI/PO to Cloud Integration using figaf. Before this you need to have configured both a PI and an Cloud Integration system. You will also need to have downloaded the templates to map PI Channels to Iflows. If you run on prem version before 2301 you this is a manual task. https://github.com/figaf/PItoCPIMigrationTemplates

1. Click "Overview" of the PI to CPI migration

2. To find a good the interface you want to check. You can filter using the PI object table. Click on the PI object

3. In the filter you can now add information about the object it can be sender system or interface

4. To migrate an object, click on the arrow for the ICO you want to migrate.

5. Select a package where you want the iFlow to be saved.

6. Enter the name of the iFlow you want to create.

7. Click "Check". This will validate if everything is correct for the conversion of the object.

8. In this section you can see and change the XSLTs used to convert the mappings. If you don't see this you need to add the XSLT to your deployment.

9. Below you can see potential problems with the mapping process. You will need to check manually.

10. To view the iFlow generated Click "Preview"

11. You can click around in the preview. Once done, click "Close"

12. Now it is time to migrate. Click "Migrate"

13. Click "Request missing licenses" if you have not migrated the iFlow before. Select the iFlow and click "Save". Then press "Migrate again".

14. IFlows is now migrated. Click "OK"

15. To open the iFlow click on the link.

16. Correct the different part of the flows like Sender Channel. Do check if everything is correct.

17. Once you have made all the required modifications, click "Save as version". And then "Deploy".

18. Go back to Figaf and press "Synchronize". Then we can capture the difference in Figaf and you can later start the testing.

19. Click "Synchronize"

20. Go back to the overview screen.

21. Now you can see what has been migrated and what needs to be migrated later.

22. Switch to tab "Scribe | Workspace"

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