Protecting Virtual Assets

Protecting Virtual Assets

Protecting the virtual assets 

One you have used the tool to move items to the virtual QA how to you ensure that nobody has access to it and make modifications to it. It is pretty easy to ensure that the artifacts are protected with the access policies in SAP Cloud Integration.


You just create a new Policy with a name for the landscape. In our cloud trial we are using sampleqa as the name of the IFlows once they are moved into the virtual landscape.

In our standard guide you will see the following name mapping rules that you can easily change to your own set.


Then you just create a policy like the following where you list all the artifacts and have the pre or post fix configured.

Then once you try to edit an with the policy you will get the following.


To solve the problem you will need to give the Figaf user the role of the artifact you have created. That way it will be possible for the Figaf user to modify and create the artifacts for this to work.


To learn how to add this role to a use see this please refer to Managing Access Policies, Neo Environment or Managing Access Policies, Cloud Foundry Environment for more details and links to the respective documentation.
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