Transport will allow you to transport between systems. We have already created a landscape that will allow you to transport from one CPI system to the same one and just add prefixes to the imported objects. We call this Virtual agents. And it will work the same way if you transported between two systems.
We just wanted to understand how Figaf can handle the transport with ease.
You should have completed the Onboarding section of this guide before you continue.
1) From the front page of Figaf you can now see the landscape that is connected. This makes it easy to navigate to the different systems in the landscape.
Scroll the menu on the left side down to "Landscape" under Configuration.
Note: If you dont care about the setup and just want to create a transport Go to step 10.
2) Here you can see a list of landscapes that have been created. Select the "Manage Composite Landscape" button.
3) The "Composite Landscapes" is our new approach for creating landscapes. Here you can create a new landscape. But lets first examine the one created. By clicking the Pen icon .
4) Under the "Environments" tab, you can see the different System IDs in the landscape and what naming they have received.
5) In the definition you can set up actions that need to happen for the transport. Do you want the artifacts to be deployed after the import, then select the deploy after transport. If you want to have approvers on then you select this box and you can specify which users you want to approve each transport. You can define multiply users but only one have to approve.
If you add Approvers, then notice as default you cannot approve your own transports, which is good practice in large organizations. This can be changed in "Application" (under "Confiugration" on the side menu") and you mark "Transport creator can approve own transport if he/she is in reviewers list"
The parameter mapping rules are to determinate the renaming of objects when moving to or from different systems. Because we are reusing a CPI system for QA we have to add pre fixes to different parts of the application. You can also remove the objects the same way.
6) If you scroll down on the landscape page you get to Parameter values replacement (substring criteria). This is where you can make replacements of hostnames etc.
7) Click on the "+" Button to add a value like the following replacements.
8) Scroll to the top to select "Submit Update Configuration".
There are now a few steps to perform the validation that you have made correct mappings and validations of the objects. This is something that is of bigger importance the first time you try the tool.
8.1 ) Click "Yes" on the confirmation box
8.2) On the overview page here you can see how it calculates the landscape and which IFlow packages is expected at which point.
9) Now we have investigated the transport system and setup and we can start to create our first transport.
10) Navigate to "Tracked Objects" (Under "Testing Tool" on the side menu) and select one or more IFlows that you want to transport in one go. Remember to select the main one with the Type "CPI_IFLOW".
11) Then click the "Assign to Ticket". Then you get the following popup.
Title: A description of the Transport
Type: Is always development
Landscape: Select the landscape you want to work with
External Ticket id: is the Jira/Service Now number or other ticket you would be using
Description: A little longer description of what you want to archive.
Once done press "Save".
12) You will now need to request a license for the object you want to transport. Press "Request" missing Licenses.
13) Select the IFlows for DevOps. This is to handle the transport process. Press "Save". And click "OK" on the popup.
14) Now you can see the object has been added. And you will see the original popup again
15) Now you can press "Save to the Attachment" to transport
16) Then you are redirected to the "Ticket" page where you can see all information about the ticket and what is going on with it.
17) Navigate to "Tracked Objects". Here you can see all the objects related to this transport. Right now we only have the IFlow and the configuration for the IFlow
18) Select the IFlow and select "Attach all dependent objects". This is important because we want the package to be in our transport page. If the package already exists on the target system, it is not required.